
Four rocks piled up on each other with a waterfall background.

Who am I?

Hey there! I’m Sherie.

I am originally from East London, United Kingdom. I now live in the South East of London.

As a devoted mother of one who loves to write (even though I was terrible at it! but slowly improving) and painting to strengthen my creativity, I enjoy travelling. I will travel the world once I accomplish my goals! I love exploring new environments and constantly seeking fresh experiences.

More recently, I’ve embarked on a new hobby of nurturing bonsai trees, adding a touch of serenity to my life.

This blog is my passion project, which I started in 2019. It has undergone a few transformations over the years and will probably go through more, but I am proud of how far my blog has come.

This blog incorporates my interests in creativity, well-being, personal development, and, more recently, an eco-friendly lifestyle while sharing my personal story.

My well-being has gone through many downs due to neglect and the experiences I’ve encountered.

So, I needed to take charge of my well-being because I was heading down a path which could have led to severe long-term illnesses.

I also needed to change the trajectory of my life more generally, and I have been inspired to take action by reading others’ blogs, YouTubers, and books. I knew my path did not serve me; the warning signs were there, but I ignored them for years!

Initially, I lacked the motivation to change because of fear of the unknown, lack of knowledge, the wrong mindset, and not loving myself enough to create the life I deserved. I had a lot to learn, but the most crucial part of learning for me was changing my mindset and taking small actions, no matter how terrible I was at something. You learn to become better over time!

I’ve now come to appreciate the importance of intentionally pursuing happiness, health, and inner peace. It’s crucial to pause and find gratitude in the small moments that bring us joy.

My Mission

My mission is to spread the importance of self-care so we can fulfil your potential and safeguard your health.

Through my blog, I strive to inspire individuals to enhance their wellness, tap into their creativity and invest in themselves, whether through self-care activities, taking action toward their goals or learning something new.

My ultimate goal is to take ownership of my time, allowing me to devote it to what I genuinely love. I am taking action to make my goal a reality. What I’ve learnt over the past few years are:

  • Life is too short; it’s essential to work towards your dreams.
  • You are in charge of your happiness; it’s so essential to discover what makes you happy.
  • Don’t give anyone the power to disturb your peace.
  • Self-care is the ultimate act of fighting against a system that takes a toll on our well-being.
  • There is something to learn from every experience. We all have something to give in the world.

Join me on this beautiful adventure of self-discovery, and let’s embrace a life filled with well-being, creativity, and tranquillity.

Subscribe to my blog for inspiration, tips, and stories to empower you on your wellness and creative journey.

Stay inspired, stay motivated, and keep nurturing your well-being. 

Thanks so much for visiting! 💛

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