Overcoming Obstacles at Work

It’s a reality that many of us occasionally struggle with the belief that being ourselves isn’t sufficient. However, when we have a line manager who consistently reinforces that notion, it becomes even more challenging to maintain a positive outlook and confidence in our capabilities.

During a one-to-one meeting, a manager once advised me to emulate someone else’s qualities. However, this feedback proved unconstructive since it wasn’t delivered in a manner that fostered my personal growth and development. It left me wondering how I could possibly become like someone else when my own unique characteristics and strengths set me apart.

Based on my observations, it became evident that my manager lacked the inclination to foster the growth and success of employees, preventing them from reaching their full potential. This led me to perceive that she held a fixed mindset, as she would solely commend individuals she deemed talented regardless of their actual performance while intentionally setting up those she didn’t favour for failure. She consistently defamed others rather than reflecting on her actions or behaviours.

Carol states in her book ‘Mindset’;

Butterflies next to a quote

Drawing from my personal experience, being a Human Resources (HR) professional and the stories I’ve heard from others who have endured workplace bullying, I wholeheartedly agree with the above quote. A fixed mindset in such instances allows toxicity to thrive, resulting in a significant negative impact on productivity within the workplace.

Effective line management, coaching, and leadership skills are pivotal in any workforce, as it should be recognised that people are the most valuable asset. Sadly, I have observed that these skills are often not given the attention they deserve. This lack of focus can damage the workforce and individuals needing support to thrive or maintain their well-being.

Effective leadership involves elevating your staff to a heightened level of motivation through various means, including support, encouragement, setting a positive example, questioning assumptions, and acknowledging individuals and their unique skills. These qualities should be considered essential when selecting individuals for management and leadership roles.

Pink butterflies next to a quote.

I am grateful for the confidence I possessed to question feedback like this, and I consider myself fortunate that I had the opportunity to participate in several development workshops and receive guidance from supportive mentors throughout my career. These experiences have equipped me with a good understanding of what constitutes practical line management skills.

Throughout that period, I was affected by anxiety, triggered by the immense responsibility of organising eight seminars single-handedly over two days—a task for which my predecessor had received support. Despite the massive success of the seminars, the toll it took on my health and well-being was significant. I reached out for assistance, but my requests were subtly dismissed on multiple occasions. I started to get physical symptoms such as headaches, shortness of breath, cold sores, and fatigue. Eventually, I mustered the courage to inform my manager about the deteriorating state of my health, yet once again, no support was offered.

Eventually, I decided to leave my job and pursue another opportunity to alleviate the symptoms I was experiencing. In retrospect, I am grateful for my anxiety because it was a powerful indicator that something was amiss within the work environment, prompting me to change and realign my life on a healthier path.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, please know that you are deserving and capable. Remember, you are not alone.

It’s essential to make decisions that are right for you, and if you are still figuring things out, now is the perfect time to take steps towards determining what you truly want. Below, I have listed a few things that aided me on my journey:

1. Devise a plan

Consider maintaining a journal to document your work experiences (including dates and times). This practice proves crucial should you ever need to challenge something. Additionally, utilise your journal to record your unique qualities and strengths, reminding you of your value and helping you uncover your preferences and areas of interest.

During my own journey, I noticed a common thread—my enjoyment of creativity, writing, coaching, and mentoring others. Recognising this, I knew I wanted to pursue something that incorporated these aspects. Have you considered dedicating time to enhancing a side project or endeavour? It might provide a meaningful avenue for exploration and personal growth.

Exploring and discovering the activities and pursuits that bring you joy is crucial, as this will align your goals with your passions. This understanding will guide you in determining the direction you should work towards. Equally important is writing down your ‘why’—the underlying purpose and motivation behind your aspirations. When you encounter moments of demotivation, reconnecting with your ‘why’ will help you persevere.

In my personal experience, using a law of attraction planner has proven immensely valuable. It has assisted me in setting empowering goals for each day and has prompted me to contemplate and craft my life statement. A journey towards a healthier life starts with knowing what you truly desire and identifying your purpose. It is through this self-reflection that you can begin charting your path.

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A notebook, pen and a cup of tea.

2. Create a vision board

Create your vision board to help you visualise what you want to achieve. Creating your vision board can help clarify the goals you want to accomplish over time. On your vision board, you can display images of what you want to achieve or receive and words that you find inspiring and affirming. My vision board is by my bed, so I can look at this before I go to sleep and when I wake up in the mornings.

3. Always prioritise your health

Pay attention to your body’s signals and avoid finding yourself in a situation where you have to compromise your well-being or authentic self.

In my journey, I decided to leave my job to prioritise my health and actively worked on cultivating a sense of calm within my thoughts and emotions. Prioritising what is right for you and making choices aligned with your best interests is crucial.

Taking action towards the goals that ignite your passion is a significant step forward and essential to overcome obstacles. In my case, it involved starting a blog to provide helpful tips to others. This endeavour allows me to share valuable insights and contribute positively to the lives of others and serve as a reminder to myself.

Engaging in research and reading self-care books can be highly beneficial. These resources can offer valuable guidance and support as you navigate your self-care journey.

If you fancy listening to some calming, relaxing videos, please visit and subscribe to my YouTude channel At Peace. Here is one of the videos below:

4. Reward yourself for every step you make toward progress

Each action is a significant stride towards progress, personal growth, and becoming more resilient and self-assured. Take pride in the fact that you have researched and taken steps to implement positive changes.

Find peace within yourself and fully accept and celebrate who you are.

Additional tips to enhance your journey of self-acceptance and enjoyment in life:

✴️ Practice mindfulness

Cultivate awareness of the present moment and appreciate its beauty and experiences. Engage in activities promoting mindfulness, such as meditation, breathing exercises, or time in nature.

You can do this by:

  • Taking mindful breaks: Throughout your workday, take short breaks to step away from your desk and engage in mindfulness exercises. This could include deep breathing, mindful walking, or simply closing your eyes and focusing on your breath for a few minutes. These moments of mindfulness can help you regain clarity and reduce stress.
  • Setting boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. Avoid bringing work-related stress and negativity into your time. Create space for activities outside of work that bring you joy and relaxation, enabling you to recharge and find balance.
  • Practice non-judgmental awareness: In a toxic environment, it’s common for negative thoughts and emotions to arise. Rather than suppressing or judging them, practice observing them with non-judgmental awareness. Recognise that these thoughts and feelings are temporary and do not define you.
  • Seek support from trusted colleagues: Connect with like-minded colleagues with similar values and interests. Engage in supportive conversations, sharing your experiences and challenges. Building a support network can help create a more positive and understanding work environment.

✴️ Surround yourself with positive influences

As mentioned, seek people who support and uplift you, fostering an environment that encourages self-acceptance and personal growth. Distance yourself from harmful effects or toxic relationships that hinder your well-being.

✴️ Practice self-compassion

Treat yourself with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness. Embrace imperfections as part of being human and show yourself the same compassion you would extend to a loved one.

You can do this by:

  • Recognising your worth: Remind yourself that your value as an individual extends beyond your work or the toxic environment. Acknowledge your strengths, skills, and qualities that make you unique and valuable. Remember that you deserve kindness and compassion, regardless of external circumstances.
  • Validating your emotions: Allow yourself to acknowledge and validate your emotions without judgment. Recognise that feeling stressed, frustrated, or overwhelmed in a toxic work environment is natural. Validate your feelings by accepting them as valid responses to challenging circumstances.
  • Practice self-kindness: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Offer yourself the same compassion and support you would offer a friend in a similar situation. Practice positive self-talk, affirmations, and self-encouragement to counteract self-criticism or negative self-judgment.

✴️ Engage in activities that bring joy

Identify and engage in activities that bring you genuine happiness and fulfilment. Pursue hobbies, interests, and passions allowing you to express yourself and explore your talents.

5. Incorporate self-care

Your goals should include actions to make you feel healthier and build your mental and physical wellness to continue to push forward in the face of setbacks.

Here are some strategies to help you integrate self-care into your goals despite any challenges or obstacles you may be going through:

✴️ Prioritise self-care:

Make self-care a non-negotiable aspect of your routine and prioritise it alongside your work goals. Recognise that taking care of yourself is essential for your overall well-being and effectiveness in the workplace.

✴️ Define self-care activities

Identify self-care activities that resonate with you and bring you joy, relaxation, and rejuvenation. These can include exercise, practising mindfulness or meditation, engaging in hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing creative outlets. Be specific about the activities you want to incorporate into your routine.

✴️ Schedule dedicated self-care time

Set aside dedicated time for self-care in your schedule. Treat it as a committed appointment with yourself. Block out specific time slots during the day or week to engage in activities that nourish and recharge you.

✴️ Break tasks into manageable chunks

If your work environment is overwhelming or whatever obstacle you’re going through, break down your tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. This allows you to create pockets of time for self-care within your workday. Taking short breaks for self-care activities can help alleviate stress and rejuvenate your energy.

✴️ Regularly reassess and adjust

Regularly reassess your self-care goals and make adjustments as needed. Evaluate the effectiveness of your self-care practices and explore new activities or strategies that align with your needs. Flexibility and adaptability are key when incorporating self-care into a toxic work environment.

6. Continuous Learning and Development

One of the most effective ways to overcome obstacles is to invest in personal and professional growth. Identify areas where you can enhance your skills or knowledge related to your challenge. Seek learning opportunities, such as workshops, courses, or online resources, to acquire the necessary expertise. By continuously learning, you’ll become more resilient and adaptable in the face of obstacles.

I’ve read “The Obstacle Is The Way” by Ryan Holiday. This inspiring book offers a practical guide to teach readers how to embrace challenges and turn them into personal and professional growth opportunities. Drawing from ancient Stoic philosophy and real-life examples, Holiday presents a good perspective on overcoming obstacles and succeeding.

The book’s central idea revolves around the concept that obstacles, rather than being roadblocks, can actually become the path to success. Holiday argues that changing our perception of challenges can transform them into catalysts for personal improvement and achievement.

To Conclude

Breaking the barriers or obstacles that hinder our progress and prevent us from being our best selves at work is essential for personal and professional fulfilment.

By addressing self-doubt, fear of failure, lack of support, work-life imbalance, and skill development, we can overcome these obstacles and unlock our true potential.

Remember, it’s a journey that requires self-reflection, resilience, and proactive action.

Embrace the challenges, persevere through setbacks, and strive to become the best version of yourself in the workplace.

Always listen to your body; trust that intuition and do what is right for you if something doesn’t feel right! I paid a price for not listening to my intuition.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog! We appreciate your engagement and hope the information we shared has been valuable. Your commitment to prioritising your well-being is commendable, and we’re thrilled to have played a part in supporting you on this journey. 

Remember, your well-being matters, and by implementing the strategies we discussed, you can create positive well-being. We encourage you to continue investing in self-care and exploring ways to maintain optimal well-being.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Feel free to comment or contact us with any questions or suggestions. We can create a community that promotes a healthier and happier work life. 

Thank you once again for being a part of our blog. Stay inspired, stay motivated, and keep nurturing your well-being💛.

Here’s to a future filled with success and fulfilment in your personal and professional endeavours! 

Warm regards!

About The Author

Sherie Mogane

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