Self-Care SOS: Nurturing Yourself on a Bad Day

We’ve all experienced the feeling of being stuck or helpless in our current situation, especially when we feel that our choices are limited and there isn’t much help out there. Or we can just be having a bad day because things are going wrong.

I have had many experiences of feeling stuck in a rut, not knowing what to do about a situation, making me feel miserable.

But, I learned that taking a step back and looking at your life through a different lens is essential. Life is a gift we can truly live with if we take the time to care for ourselves, especially when feeling down.

Last month I had quite a few bad days, which made it hard for me to get motivated to do anything. It can be hard to practice self-care when you need it the most and, as a result, get into a habit of feeling even worse because you feel like you’re not in control.

When you are having a rubbish day, here are ten self-care tips to help give you the boost you need:

1. Listen to meditation

Over the past few years, I have utilised guided and non-guided meditation to help me relax and sleep. When I sit in stillness, closing my eyes and focusing on my breath, I feel a deep connection with myself and the present moment. I can observe my thoughts without judgment and let go of any stress or worries weighing me down and slowly drift away like clouds in the sky.

Guided meditation is excellent for relaxing the mind as guided meditation walks you through the process.

I use the app Headspace to practise guided meditation before I go to sleep and sometimes first thing in the morning. This can also be done on your commute to and from work.

More recently, I have enjoyed non-guided meditation so much that I have created a channel. I like to immerse myself in nature’s beautiful sounds and scenery indoors.

Check out one of my favourite non-guided meditation videos on my At Peace channel below πŸ‘‡πŸΎ which is an hour long for peace and tranquillity πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈ.

2. Relax

Relaxing is incredibly important for our overall well-being and quality of life. Time to unwind and recharge is essential for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health.

Relaxing our bodies can release tension, reduce stress, and restore balance. It allows our minds to quiet down, promoting clarity and mental rejuvenation.

Relaxation enhances our ability to cope with daily challenges, improves our concentration and productivity, and boosts our creativity.

Taking time for yourself fosters self-care and self-compassion, reminding us to prioritise our own needs and create a sense of inner harmony. Ultimately, incorporating regular periods of relaxation into our lives is vital for cultivating a sense of overall well-being, resilience, and happiness.

You can consider taking a nap if you need to recuperate. Nourish yourself so that you can live your best life. A brief rest has additional benefits, like boosting performance and helping with memory.

3. Go into your self-care box

If you don’t have one already, create a self-care box. This box can contain things that make you feel better and inspire and uplift you when needed. For example, you can put in your favourite quotes, chocolates, photos that remind you of your favourite place, a journal, bath salt, scented candles and many more.

Having a self-care box can be a game-changer in improving our well-being, especially during challenging days. With the demands of our fast-paced lives and ever-increasing stress levels, taking time for ourselves has become crucial for maintaining a healthy balance. A self-care box is a powerful tool that empowers us to prioritise self-care and our mental and emotional health.

A self-care box is not just a collection of random objects but a deliberate assortment of items that address different aspects of our well-being.

Each item nurtures our mind, body, and soul, from soothing aromatherapy candles to uplifting affirmations, from calming teas to stress-relieving colouring books. By engaging in activities promoting relaxation, mindfulness, and self-reflection, we equip ourselves with effective coping mechanisms to navigate challenging times.

You can purchase a self-care box containing a fantastic set of powerful but simple practices to help you enjoy life more or help make those dreadful days a little bit easier.

Related blog: How to create your own self-care box

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A box with perfume on top of white and grey sheets.

4. Connect with friends and family

Surrounding ourselves with the people who support, love and champion us can make a huge difference in how we feel.

5. Do a physical activity

Physical activity is a powerful tool that can improve our health exponentially. This is important for our body as well as the mind. Something as simple as walking can have substantial health benefits.

Physical activity increases dopamine and serotonin, which makes us feel good, lowering stress and maintaining good well-being.  

6. Do something creative, e.g. paint, make jewellery, etc

Pursuing something creative can do wonders for our well-being; whether it is painting, writing or using moulding cray, these things can make us happy overall.

It has been scientifically proven to improve mental well-being. In addition, we are all creative beings, which could be a way of finding our passion.

A quote to do something loving towards your body every day.

7. Having a dancing competition with your children

I love doing this with my daughter. She is part of a competitive dance team, and we often practise new moves together, which is extremely fun, as well as being physically active and creative πŸ˜‰

Dancing is often overlooked but holds immense potential for enhancing our overall well-being. Not only does dancing provide a fun and creative outlet, but it also offers numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits.

✴️ Physical health: Dancing is a fantastic way to boost physical fitness levels. Dance routines involve movements targeting different muscle groups, improving coordination, balance, and posture.

✴️ Stress reduction: Stress is a common issue that affects our well-being. Dancing can serve as a powerful stress reliever. When you dance, your body releases endorphins, known as the “feel-good” hormones, which can instantly uplift your mood and alleviate stress. As you immerse yourself in rhythm and movement, dancing provides an outlet for emotional expression, helping you release negative thoughts and tension.

✴️ Mental Stimulation: Engaging in dance requires mental focus and concentration. Learning and remembering choreography, coordinating movements with music, and connecting with others uniquely challenge your brain. This mental stimulation can enhance cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Regular dancing has even been associated with a reduced risk of age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases like dementia.

✴️ Emotional Well-being: Dancing has numerous emotional benefits. It allows you to channel and express your emotions through movement. Whether you’re feeling joy, sadness, anger, or any other emotion, dancing can help you process and manage these feelings effectively. Additionally, the social aspect of dancing provides opportunities for connection and building meaningful relationships, which contribute to a sense of fulfilment and emotional well-being.

8. Watch a comedy or any movie you enjoy 

Doing something for ourselves, like watching a movie, can help lifts our mood.

The simple act of laughing and the enjoyment of watching funny movies can remarkably affect our overall well-being.

✴️ Stress Relief: Laughter serves as an incredible stress reliever. When we laugh, our body releases endorphins, natural mood enhancers. These feel-good hormones help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and promote relaxation. Watching funny movies triggers laughter, allowing us to temporarily escape from daily worries and experience a much-needed mental break. Incorporating laughter into our lives through funny movies can significantly alleviate stress and bring balance to our well-being.

✴️ Boosts Mood and Happiness: Laughing and watching humorous movies can instantly uplift our mood and boost happiness. The act of laughter releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. By indulging in a good laugh, whether through witty dialogue or hilarious physical comedy, we flood our brains with dopamine, creating a positive and joyful state of mind. Regularly exposing ourselves to laughter-inducing movies can cultivate a positive outlook and enhance happiness.

✴️ Boosts Immune Function: Believe it or not, laughter can also positively impact our physical health. Studies have shown that laughter stimulates the immune system, increasing the production of antibodies and activating immune cells. By incorporating laughter into our lives through funny movies, we can boost our immune system, contributing to overall well-being and a stronger defence against illness.

9. Write in your journal

I believe that writing can be a step toward living your most creative life by getting whatever is in your mind out onto paper πŸ“

When writing, I use words to convey a story I want to tell, and I am focused.

You can use your journal or notebook to capture your emotions for the day. This can help your feelings to change as you write them out. Try practising writing in your journal before you sleep for 5 minutes. You can start by writing about yourself, what you did, what you hope to achieve and how you feel about this.

You can also purchase this great journal below for beginners, which can help you through the process.

10. Practice mindfulness

You can practice mindfulness whilst connecting with nature by walking in nature and simply noticing the grass, trees and animals. Paying attention to the present moment increases our mental well-being. 

If you are a beginner, read this fantastic book, giving you a guide to mindfulness.

To Conclude

On those challenging and complex days, prioritising self-care and looking after yourself becomes even more critical. While it may be tempting to push through and ignore our needs when feeling down or overwhelmed, taking the time to care for ourselves is essential for maintaining our overall well-being.

Self-care is not a luxury but a necessity, especially on bad days. Prioritising self-care and engaging in activities that bring us joy and help restore our well-being so we can better manage the difficult moments life throws our way.

Remember, it’s okay to prioritise yourself and take the time needed to heal, recharge, and nurture your physical, mental, and emotional health. By looking after yourself on bad days, you invest in your long-term well-being and cultivate a foundation of self-love and resilience.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog! We appreciate your engagement and hope the information we shared has been valuable. Your commitment to prioritising your well-being in the workplace is commendable, and we’re thrilled to have supported you on this journey.Β 

We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences of organising or creating your self-care box. Feel free to comment or contact us with any questions or suggestions.

Thank you once again for being a part of our blog. Stay inspired, stay motivated, and keep nurturing your well-being πŸ’›.

Warm regards, 

About The Author

Sherie Mogane

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